Home Decor, Thrift Shop Finds

Sprinkles of Easter: Spring Decorating in the Living Room

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Hello friends! Today I am sharing over at Katherine’s Corner as Katherine continues recovering from the recent kidney surgery she had. Over the past few weeks, I have been sweeping away all wintertime vignettes along with the spring cleaning, and transitioning into soft pastel springtime decor. Here is how my living room looks now with Easter decorations sprinkled about and with those soft colors of spring…

I am Barbara Chapman and I’d love it if you’d follow me here on my blog and on any of my other social media sites, too.  Thank you!💜 

French Ethereal: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest

If you’ve never hopped over to my blog French Ethereal before, let me introduce myself. I moved to Texas with my husband’s job change in 2016 after living in California for 42 years. I’ve made a ton of new friends since moving here! We started out living in a small travel trailer living at a local campground during which time we upgraded to a big 41′ Heartland Charleston 365 RV. After two years, we were ready to settle down and moved permanently into our current house here in North Texas.

I work in the local Denton Independent School District by day as a library paraprofessional and I blog by night. I’ve been working hard on creating a new garden along with decorating and updating our new home in my ethereal French style ever since!

A card and chocolate bunny for our grandson (small photo above)

Setting up spring and Easter decorations

So let’s take a look at what all I’ve done in our living room for spring! After Mr. Ethereal brought down the box of spring decorations, I pulled out a bunch of moss balls I made several years ago along with a few plastic Easter eggs. These were randomly placed in the new metal urn I picked up this winter from Hobby Lobby (not sponsored).

I have several bunches of dried roses and other flowers tucked away so I added one of those to this urn, too. Adding in a wooly little lamb, a gardening book plus a mini birdfeeder completed this little springtime vignette.

Two bunnies made it in this mantel display along with a bunch of dried lavender and a withdrawn book on Texas wildflowers brought home from school. Adding in a few white candles to light make it quite cozy in the evenings.

The garden theme continues with this vintage birds- and flower-covered ceramic vase and my great-grandmother Julia’s cut crystal bowl filled with dried hydrangea blooms. I love how this springtime mantel turned out!

The last surface sprinkled with cheerful pastel Easter decor is our library-tea table. This table holds a bunny found at HEB grocery in Austin where my daughter lives just after Easter one year. This little gal plays nicely with a soft yellow chick plus some Christmas cactus. The statuette is one I found at a thrift shop here in Denton, Texas just after we moved here eight years ago. She is a regular part of my French style decor. 🙂

And here is a better view of our living room with its west-facing windows. It used to have all coffee-colored walls and even the ceilings throughout the house, but I’ve painted and painted changing the home to a soft ethereal gray. The ceilings I changed back to a satin white ~ just off the shelf Valspar paint from Lowe’s. Gallons and gallons of it. Makes this room especially so much brighter!

Well, friends, this is our happy little home all decorated with spring Easter decor and its normal lived-in look! I did get some new pillow covers a couple of weeks ago but I’ll share more on those soon.

Thank you for stopping by today and I am honored to be able to share with y’all over on Katherine’s Corner. Please feel free to stop by anytime!


Springtime blessings to you,

2 thoughts on “Sprinkles of Easter: Spring Decorating in the Living Room”

    1. Thank you, Jeanie! Lots of years collecting. 😉 The nice thing now is that I can shop what I already have, unless I want something new, which is probably most of us at a “certain age” tend to do.

      Happy spring to you, too!

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