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10 Minute Tussy Mussy Gift Bags for Mother’s Day + More ~ 10 on the 10th

Welcome to this month’s 10 on the 10th where 10 bloggers (and sometimes more!) get together and share ideas with you on the 10th of the month for under $10. 

Thank you to our host Katie of Let’s Add Sprinkles for putting this party together, and if you are stopping by for the first time from Cindy at County Road 407 welcome to French Ethereal!

This month’s theme is something for Mother’s Day, Graduation and Teacher Appreciation gifts.

With all of these events happening in the months of May and June, it is often nice to create a gift holder which can be made in batches to give out to all your recipients for not much money.  

Like making fresh plumeria leis picked then strung by the bags-full for my elementary school teachers in Hawaii when I was growing up, making a Tussy Mussy to fill with gifts is a welcome change from the usual wrapped or bagged gift! Homemade gifts are often the best and most appreciated (in my book, anyways!).

Easy to make in just a few minutes, Tussy Mussies can be filled with small candies, a special note, a small gift box containing a thoughtfully purchased necklace or earrings you’ve just picked out… The ideas for filling Tussy Mussies are endless and easy to coordinate with your theme.

Here’s how to make a Tussy Mussy

*Start by laying out your sheet of printed paper, printed-side down.

*Begin rolling the paper with holding the left side tight to create the bottom, pointed end. (or right side, if you are left-handed!)

This tussy mussy went to a little girl and the sweets theme was perfect for her!

Keep the left side tight/small as you roll the upper-end looser creating the cone shape.

*Put a bead of hot glue along the edge lengthwise to hold the edge in shape. I also glued a bit along the upper edge, next to the vertical long edge, just glued-down to keep it from unraveling.

*Make a slit 2″ down (or however long you like) 
to create a way to cut off and even up the top edge.

*Glue down the inside loose piece around the inside top.


*Pull out all of your laces, cheesecloth, buttons, whatever you have and have fun loosely wrap these around your cone.

*Hot glue in hidden spots to create the effect of bent lace/ribbon pieces and to keep in place. Working the laces around the upper-edge first seemed to work better for me.

Create the hanger

*Use more lace and form a loose knot on one end. Hot glue to the inside edge to hide some of the edge-glueing.

*Once the first part is glue on, then twist or layer your hanger piece, create the second, opposite knot and glue that in place.

An ethereal beauty ~ Two types of lace created this
tussy mussy’s hanger.


Each paper I picked up at one of my local craft stores from anywhere from 10 cents to $1.00 each. I think the sparkle papers were a bit more but these were in my stash so they cost me nothing this time.

A pack of hot glue sticks costs about $1.99 and lace costs a couple dollars a roll if you buy at Christmas time ~ well under $10 to make several!

And that’s all there is to creating a Tussy Mussy ~ perfect for putting that special gift for your mother, grandmother and all the moms in your life. 

If you missed any of this year’s 10 on the 10th posts
they can be found here:

January 2019 | February 2019|March 2019
April 2019

Thank you for visiting and if you enjoyed this post, please
consider following along ~ I appreciate you! 🙂  Please visit all of today’s 10 on the 10th participants ~ I know you’ll love what everyone has to share!

Terry at Decorate and More With Tip  begins our blog hop at
the top of the list as you begin with my post ~ Enjoy!

Happy Mother’s Day, 
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